Washington High School
Class Of January 1963

- Classmate Forums
- Reunion Slide Show
- Reunion Photos
- Class Photos
- AUER AVE Kdgn Nov. 1950
- AUER AVE P3 Feb 1952
- AUER AVE P6 & P5 Oct. 1953
- AUER AVE 4A & 5B Oct. 1954
- AUER AVE 5A & 5B Nov. 1955
- AUER AVE 6A & 6B Nov. 1956
- Townsend 4th Grade 1954
- Sherman School 1954
- Peckham Jr. High 1960 Prt 1
- Peckham Jr. High 1960 Prt 2
- Wilbur Wright JH Class 1960
- Sherman School & Steuben JH
50th Reunion
Come celebrate with fellow classmates!
June 21-22, 2012
You don't want to miss this one!
Please reply by May 17th using the response form and questionnaire that were mailed to you.
Friday, June 21 $25 per person
- Tour the highly-acclaimed Sprecher micro-brewery, known for its beer and gourmet soda. It's located at 701 W Glendale Ave, near Port Washington Rd. and Hampton Ave. We'll have a private tour and then have time to reconnect in the tasting room.
- http://www.sprecherbrewery.com/index.php
6:30 pm to ?
- Relive our Friday night post-football game gatherings at Mama Mia's. We'll gather at Mama Mia's at 2615 W. Silver Spring Dr. Food included with cash bar.
- http://partypan.com/
Saturday, June 22 $75 per person (booklet & gift included)
- Travel through the heart of dynamic downtown Milwaukee and into the Lake Michigan harbor aboard the Edelweiss. The river cruise will depart from the Port of Call Bistro at 106 W. Wells St. Appetizers will be provided along with a cash bar.
- https://www.edelweissboats.com/
7:00pm to ?
- After the cruise, we will cross the street and gather at the Rock Bottom Brewery at 740 N Plankinton Ave. In a private room in the lower level, we will have a buffet dinner, entertainment, and program with a cash bar.
- http://www.rockbottom.com/locations/milwaukee?action=view
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